Install server update

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Install server update

Also on the server, you need to run the XTInstEN.exe for the Pro version and XTInstBasicEN.exe for the Basic version. Install into the current Xpert-Timer folder and double check the path.

Xpert-Timer will automatically notice, that this is an update and will update your XTAdmin.exe in the XpertTimer folder. Start up XTAdmin after the update to double check the database connection.

When you first install XTAdmin.exe we deliver a dummy user named XTADMIN. The password for this user is xtadmin. You can use this user to log into the database and start configuring your program. Make sure that at some point, you should change the password of XTAdmin to avoid unauthorized users to log onto the database.

Only the user XTADMIN can service the database. All other users have limited access.

Please visit the chapter "XTAdmin" for further details.